Q: Is Warty Hugeman real?
A: Warty Hugeman is all too real.
Q: What will Warty do when he finds out you've been
spreading lies about him?
A: I have been commissioned by Mr. Hugeman to chronicle
his adventures. The only lie I've ever told you, dear readers, is that he's not
coming for you.
Q: Where was Warty Hugeman born?
A: In the drug-addled nightmares of a dying whore.
Q: Under what physical principle does your alleged
"Warty Hugeman" purport to travel through time?
A: Warty Hugeman uses the the Hawking radiation from
micro black holes to generate an instantaneous Einstein-Rosen bridge through
unterspace to travel in space and time. Everyone knows this, moron. Stop being
such a moron.
Q: How much can Warty Hugeman lift?
A: The weight of three Scolarian MegaOxen in a 1.3 Earth
standard gravity field.
Q: What god does Warty Hugeman pray to?
A: None. Gods pray to him.
Q: Is there an evil, alternate universe Warty
Hugeman? You know, like Spock with a
A: There are thousands and thousands of alternate
universe Warties. They all push against the boundaries of our universe in an
attempt to cross over. They will do anything to get here. We are the only
universe that ever invented The Bloomin' Onion.
Q: Is Warty Hugeman available for hire? You know, for events like business summits,
conventions, and kids' birthday parties?
A: Warty only does bachelorette parties. En masse.
Q: Can Warty morph himself into a version of Warty that
another Warty cannot lift?
A: Warty cannot morph himself until after The Crisis of
Infinite Warties in 2097.
Q: Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is Warty's favorite?
A: Michelangelo, because Warty once ate a pair of
nunchucks. They were delicious.
Q: Can I get an autographed copy of a complete set of
Warty Hugeman adventures?
A: Hopefully this will possible in the future. Right now
the best you can do is go into a bathroom, shut the door, turn off all the
lights and say "Warty Hugeman" five times in a row.
Excerpts from interview with author, unpublished piece
commissioned by The Journal of the Royal Society of Henchmen, Minions, Goon and
Cultic Adherents.
Q: What was the inspiration for Warty Hugeman?
A: The man himself. He is the time-traveling
hyperviolent omnipervert that we all dream to someday be.
Q: Is there a message in the Warty Hugeman books?
A: No. But hopefully a future edition will feature a word
Q: What charity do you donate your Warty Hugeman profits
A: Bully International. They promote and support the
efforts of bullies all over the US and Canada.
Q: What is Warty Hugeman's political affiliation?
A: King Warty himself is a Royalist.
Q: My kids want to read your books. Is Warty Hugeman
appropriate for children?
A: Lil' Warty Adventures will begun publication sometime
next year.
Excerpts from interview with author, unpublished piece
commissioned by io9
Q: Are you a woman?
I only like science fiction written by women or women-like people.
A: I refuse to answer that on the grounds that it may
affect sales.
Q: Which Dr. Who is Warty's favorite?
A: The really gay one.
Q: Have you considered writing a Warty Hugeman/Dr. Who
A: Yes. Warty has sex with the TARDIS until it explodes
and takes all the hot Companions with him to Fuck Planet, The Planet of
Fucking. And fucking ensues.
Questions from Hit and Run comment section interview with
author, 2014 March 28
Lord Humungus
Who would win in an arm-wrestling match, Warty or STEVE
Warty, because he has opposable thumbs and STEVE SMITH
cannot wear a backwards baseball cap due to abnormal cranial structure.
Warty Hugeman or Chuck Norris?
They once fought to a draw, but that was in the 1970s and
before the degeneration cause by the background radiation of filming Walker,
Texas Ranger caused Chuck Norris to do infomercials.
What, if any, connection exists between W.H and Geddy
Lee? It seems like there ought to be one.
They have met many times in many times. "TheFountain of Lamneth" is a thinly disguised biography of Warty Hugeman.
Does Warty have any Presidential aspirations?
Warty Hugeman has been President many times. He has ruled
as King, Emperor, Tsar, Pharaoh and Caesar. He was the horse that sexed up on
Catherine the Great. He held the sheet music while Nero fiddled. He had sex
with a Pyramid.
Is it true that Warty's middle name is "The"?
Warty Hugeman does not have a middle name. He sold it
back to his father to buy his first car.
invisible furry hand
What was Warty Hugeman's first car and how did he fit
into it?
1979 Pontiac Firebird and with ease. He wasn't born a
huge man, he made himself one through will, tenacity and super science.
invisible furry hand
Is it true he refused to enter Bill Maher's vagina?
Yes. There are some places not even the strongest of us
can venture.
Will there ever be a movie or television version of Warty
Negotiations are in the works, but Warty is holding out
for when MEGAVISION is finally invented. Imagine a TV show that is also a
national disaster and you will grasp the merest drop of the glory that is
I thought he was waiting for SMELLOVISION.
MEGAVISION engulfs all 18 of the human senses.
Even smision?
Especially smision.
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